Susan Sweeny Crum: Who was Denny Crums wife?

Susan Sweeny Crum was the surviving wife of American basketball coach, Denny Crum.

Susan Sweeny Crum marriage

How long was Susan Sweeny Crum married to Denny Crum? How many years were Susan Sweeny Crum and Denny Crum married? Susan Sweeny Crum and Denny Crum’s marriage duration is not known but it is believed that they were married for over 20 years.

Susan Sweeny Crum children

Did Susan Sweeny Crum have any children with Denny Crum? How many children did Susan Sweeny Crum have with Denny? Who are Susan Sweeny Crum’s children? Susan Sweeny Crum has a son called Scott Crum who was fathered by Denny Crum.

Susan Sweeny Crum age

How old is Susan Sweeny Crum? What is Susan Sweeny Crum’s age? Susan Sweeny Crum’s age is not known yet but it is believed that she might be in her 60s or 70s.

Susan Sweeny Crum profession

What does Susan Sweeny Crum do for work? What is Susan Sweeny Crum’s profession? What does Susan Sweeny Crum do for a living? Susan Sweeny Crum is an announcer and news anchor at Louisville public radio station WFPL.
